The most important decision you and your family members make is choosing the right life partner. We help you invest wisely in making the right relationship choice that aligns with your values, lifestyle, interests and family values. Whether it is the first time or a new chapter in your life, we are your trusted partners.  We provide curated matchmaking, date coaching, and strategic consulting for multigenerational families of wealth

We are the trusted matchmaking partner of the Family Office Exchange

We came together to form Boutique Matchmaking specifically to meet the needs and requirements of high-net-worth clients.  Over the past decade we have built our own successful matchmaking businesses serving this same high-net-worth segment.

Over the years we heard from financial advisors and wealth managers express the need to help their clients - and client’s children - find the right matchmaking service.  They weren’t sure where to turn.  Given matchmaking is an unregulated industry, there was a need for a trusted matchmaking partner they could turn to.  This is why we created Boutique Matchmaking - to help you better serve your clients in this area.

Cassindy Chao Bierhaus

Cassindy is the Co-Founder of Boutique Matchmaking and the CEO of Ancient Wisdom Modern Love. She is a former finance professional holding senior positions in investment banking and research at Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan and other tech businesses. Cassindy is dedicated to making thoughtful connections for her clients and their families and has been matchmaking for many years. She has made presentations and speeches for organizations including Chief, the Harvard Club of New York, the Museum of Chinese in America and for Wellesley College, and on geopolitical issues for the German Marshall Fund.

Cassindy has a B.A. from Wellesley College.  She is a 2006 Marshall Memorial Fellow, and sits on the development board for Asian Health Services, the board of Aascend serving families of young adults on the spectrum, and is the next co-President of the Wellesley Asian Alumnae Alliance.  She resides in the San Francisco Bay Area with her husband and has been married for 24 years and parents three young adults.

Shannon Lundgren

Shannon is the Co-Founder of Boutique Matchmaking and the CEO of Shannon’s Circle.  During her 12 years of elite matchmaking experience, Shannon has had the honor of matching intellectually curious and kind singles with the love of their life.  As a corporate executive turned matchmaker, Shannon is a recognized expert on modern love, featured in the WSJ, Fortune, Forbes, Harvard Magazine, Business Insider and Today.

Prior to her matchmaking career, Shannon was a Senior Vice President at Wells Fargo and a Strategic Marketing Consultant at Berkshire Hathaway. She is a board member of Harvard Business School Club of Northern California, and a respected partner of The Family Office Exchange (FOX) where she speaks about wealth being much more than net worth. Shannon has an MBA degree from Harvard Business School, and a B.A. degree in business from UC Berkeley. She resides in San Francisco and has been married for 18 years, with a teen daughter.